Hello, using Money Lover is so simple. To start tracking your money, you must put your current money into wallets first. Let's take a look. Put the amount of money in your pocket into cash wallet: Hey look, I just have put 1500 bucks in my wallet Select All Wallets -> choose "Cash" wallet -> Go to the three-dot menu at the top right of the screen -> select Adjust…

It seems like you are having a great time with Money Lover. But do not limit your experience with some basic features. Money Lover have many cool things in the Premium version. Let's check it out! Ads go away Yea! Yea! I heard it already! Every Premium versions are free ads. That sounds like the most boring feature you will get. "Duh! I paid for it, definitely, I will say…

“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” Have you ever heard this quote before. In case you don't know? It belongs to Bill Gates (and I know you know him). Yeah! Lazy people always have easiest way to do things. Why you can't be lazy to control your bank accounts? Let's see how do you…