Check Premium out ! Get more cool stuffs now !

It seems like you are having a great time with Money Lover. But do not limit your experience with some basic features. Money Lover have many cool things in the Premium version. Let's check it out!

Ads go away

Yea! Yea! I heard it already! Every Premium versions are free ads. That sounds like the most boring feature you will get. "Duh! I paid for it, definitely, I will say goodbye to those disturbed ads". Yeah I know, but hey, don't be hasty, check Premium out! There are many more things for you to explore!

Budgeting anything

Hey look! How easy to create a bills budget

Money Lover always looking for the ways for you to control your money. One of those solutions is budgeting your money. With this feature, you can create budgets to determine how much you want to spend on each category over a week or month. Of course, each person may have hundreds of budget to care for, such as: food budget, cloth budget, bills budget... or even baby budget for those who already had family. So why you must stick with just one budget in free version? Check Premium out!

Store more money in more places

Oh yeah! In addition to budgets, you also have many places to keep your money, right? In Money Lover, those places are called "wallets". Wallets can be cash in your real wallets, your money in bank accounts, your credit cards... even in your secret funds. You are able to store all of them in Money Lover. But hey, remember, you just get 2 wallets in free version ? Why don't create as many wallets as you want? Check Premium out!

Forecast your future expenses

Wait, don't just control your money, let's predict the flow of money in the future. Money Lover brings you the capability to forecast whether your spending will exceed your budget or not. OMG! Look at my projected spending, it is so much higher than my budget. I definitely need to cut off some fancy meals or get diet right away. So, as you can see, Money Lover saved my day. Maybe your day too! Check Premium out! You will get more than what you need

Beside those features above, do you want to control more your money? We offer some more features that you may want to try: exporting data to Excel and CSV, support image syncing,... and many more. Check it yourself!

Don't limit the power that Money Lover give you to control your money. Check Premium out! Get the cool stuffs now!