Expenses Management: Are you doing it right?

Have you ever tried to make your life easier to live and more organized. We ask ourselves how to make it happen everyday. And we figure out that man are making things more and more complicated than simplify it, as we should, especially in managing our daily expenses.

Spreadsheets: so complicated

We guess you heard a lot about using spreadsheet to record and calculate your expenses. But, Is it worthy to spend your time on it? Let's take a look, what if we compare spreadsheet with Money Lover?

Read more: Creating budgets, the second step to make your life easier

Even you just want to take a quick note, but actually, it's not quick enough

We interviewed many people who prefer to note down all expenses on their smartphone or keep all the receipts. We have to say they are "nearly" on the right track to make their life more organized. But, is it organized and time saving enough?