12 easy ways to save hundreds on groceries in 2017

Have you ever estimated the amount of money you have spent on grocery shopping? You might not know but according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports, food accounts for one third of household expenses. It does not depend on whether you live on your own or you have to feed the whole family, you cannot live without spending on food.

However, there are many ways to save money on grocery store. Check these 12 tips to start your shopping on a budget!

Plan your meals: the best way to save money

1. Look at the deals first

Here is an interesting tip: Instead of having your meal planned first then look for the discounts, how about looking at the deal first before planning your meal? Plan your family breakfast on what is on sale, you might save half of the price.

2. Get a shopping list

After you got your meals for the whole week planned, turn them into a shopping list. When you look at your list, you will find out how much you will have to pay in order to create your budget for food.

3. Go to the grocery once a week

Take your shopping list with you and only go to the grocery store once a week. “The less you shop, the more you save”. Remember to buy only things in the list then go.

4. Check the expiry date

Take time to look at your fridge and cupboard at least once a week to use up all the food you have bought. Check the expiry dates to prevent food becoming wastes. To eat up all your food is to save money.

Hold your wallet tight at the store

5. Buy In-season products

Fruits and vegetables are your skin’s best friends. However, they are not always cheap. To reduce the cost, you should look for in-season product. Almost all fresh food has its season.

6. Do not let the shopping cart control you

Do you know the reason why the shopping carts at supermarkets keep becoming larger over years? Well, the bigger the cart, the more you want to buy. Never let the shopping cart makes you want to make it full. You should always choose the smaller cart at the entrance of the shop.

7. Do not rush to buy in bulk

“Buy more, pay less” is not always true. If you buy more and you cannot use up, you will throw away more. In fact, when you make comparison between the price per unit of some items and the price of them in bulk, you will find out smaller packages sometimes cost less.

8. Pay with cash to save more money

Leave all your ATM cards and credit cards at home. You should stick to your shopping plan to estimate how much money you would need and only bring with you that certain amount of cash. You will not spend more than what you need.

9. Go shopping alone

It might be fun to go shopping with your son, but your child could want so many things at the store and you might find it hard to say No. Here is the solution: go shoppping alone, make it quick and go back home early. Many parents have to pay more when they go shopping with their kids because they often have to hurry and end up quickly grab the things instead of comparing the prices to get the best deals. Going to the groecery store alone helps you save more money.

10. Be loyal to the store

Choose the grocery store which you like the best to stick with it. Sign up for their loyalty card and programs to get frequently coupons and rewards. By focusing on their program, you can get items for free or at discount.

11. Listen to your own music

Studies have shown that stores have the special music with slower beat to encourage you to move slowly and buy more. Have your own mix of music and listen to your songs, it will help you save more.

12. Eat before shopping

Do not wait until you go to the grocery to eat dinner. Consumers tend to buy more when they are hungry. That is the reason why the bakery shops and fried chicken are often at the entrance, the smell of food will persuade shoppers spend more time and money at the store.

Now you will not have to worry about how time consuming and costly to go shopping at the grocery store. Keep these tips in your mind and just relax. Saving hundreds is easier than ever.

Read on:

How to create and manage a budget with Money Lover