6 things you shouldn't buy on Amazon

6 things you should never buy on Amazon

Some people buy everything online now. And many of us head right to Amazon.com, assuming it has the lowest prices.

But here are six things that experts say you should never buy on Amazon.

1. Food

Actually, there are plenty of boxed and canned food items that are shipped by Amazon, and in general they are more expensive than the items in stores and at other online retailers.

2. Flowers

Obviously everyone buys them online now, on big holidays like Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. But if you're close by, you can get a much better bouquet for less money if you go through a local florist.

3. Groceries

The online superstore has a section for groceries, but your grocery bill may end up being higher than shopping at a brick-and-mortar store. Although Amazon has started its own online grocery delivery service which is only available in Seattle and Los Angeles. The annual fee might also cost too high to be worth it.

4. Furniture

It's better to actually sit on it first. Because if you don't like it, it's expensive to send back. And a lot of online furniture stores charge for shipping AND tack on a delivery charge . . . and both might not be refundable.

5. Cleaning products

I find much better prices on cleaning supplies at discount clubs and big box stores. For example, Pledge Furniture Polish costs over $5 (with $7.41 shipping) on Amazon, versus the $3.93 at our Walmart store. A four-count box of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers costs nearly $10 on Amazon, compared to just $3.47 at Walmart. The list goes on.

6. High-end musical instruments

If you're buying a cheap guitar for your kid, that's fine. But if you want something good, it's worth the extra money to go to a music store and make sure it sounds the way you want it to. Plus, it could get damaged in the mail.

In conclusion, be wise, lots of little savings over time accumulate to bigger ones!

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/

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