Posts tagged with Tips

Money Management is a process of tracking, balancing and aggregating your income and expenses, in order to help people with wiser spending habit and active personal finance. Good money management is having a good distribution of income on daily basis. You may don’t have high salary or be wealthy, but you can pay for any living costs without any financial problems at the end of the month. In other…

After buying something, receipts are the most trouble things: it's messy to keep at home or office, but if you throw them away, there will be sometime you need them to review your expenses. The easiest way: keep them in a box Simply, you will need a box - and pour your receipts into it. Your house or office may look messy, and cramped, but when you need to review…

“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” Have you ever heard this quote before. In case you don't know? It belongs to Bill Gates (and I know you know him). Yeah! Lazy people always have easiest way to do things. Why you can't be lazy to control your bank accounts? Let's see how do you…

Nearly million people search about Budget a month. So it's definitely a big problem with lots of people. Like lots of people, you need budget app, not complicated spreadsheet. Forget budget template, please! Lots of people find budget spreadsheet is solution for their money problem. I found some popular budget templates on Microsoft Office site, and I said: OMG, it's 90s. See example below: We definitely need something better, smarter…

A budget is a plan to spend money over a specified period. For example, you plan to spend only $500 for food this month or $50 on gasoline. You do not need a budget spreadsheet to manage your budgets effectively because Money Lover is more than a simple budget tool. It enables you plan budgets for expense category and give you a Forecast of your spending based on your expenditure…