7 Budgeting Tips You Should Consider To Save Money In 2019

If you're planning to save money in 2019, consider 7 budgeting tips below and get started.

Going out to restaurants

Those of us who have worked in restaurants know that most of the profit is made on drinks, not the food. Most of the drinks you buy when you’re out for dinner are not good for you. The only real liquid you need is water. So, when going to restaurants, skip the drinks and focus on the food.

Credit cards 🆘

They’re evil. You don’t need the reward points and the benefits of not having one are far greater. Get a debit card instead. Credit cards give you a false sense of your true financial position. You will mess up. That’s how the credit card game is designed.

👉 Keep track and manage credit card with Money Lover

Don’t join mailing lists for deals

An IT guy told me the other day to sign up for all of the retailers mailing lists because then I will see more deals. This is the worst advice ever! These mailing lists will make you develop a habit of making impulse purchases and looking for things you don’t need.

👉 How to use Money Lover to avoid overspending during crazy sale events?

Go to the supermarket instead of the shopping mall

Walking into a giant shopping center with all of your favorite brands is a disaster. You’re guaranteed to buy stuff you don’t need and temptation is likely to take over. The only shopping you have to do every week is your grocery shopping.

Visit the supermarket that’s not in a shopping mall and then you’ll be focused on buying things to fill your stomach, instead of your wardrobe.

👉 How to live with a tight monthly budgets? Check the tips

Books instead of movies or cinemas

Netflix and movies can use up your capital and they generally give you nothing.

Replace these two media forms for books. Books are cheaper in the long run and if you focus on reading biographies and books that provide real strategies, you’ll become smarter too.

Cancel subscriptions 🤔

Recurring revenue is the best source of income for your business. On the flipside, subscriptions will make you broke. The whole subscription model is designed to take advantage of you being lazy. Most of the subscriptions you have, you don’t need.

Make a note of all of your subscriptions and then cull as many as you can.

Getting around

Driving everywhere is expensive. Try sharing an Uber with friends or taking public transport. Parking is expensive and most of the time the car takes longer.

Use the frequent car trips you make to have someone else do the driving and then download some podcasts so you can educate yourself.

👉 New Year Resolutions on Saving Money in 2019

Noted: If you're looking for a simple money saving tracking tool, please try out new feature of Money Lover named Goal Wallet.

You can download Money Lover on Android and iOS or Web version and start managing your finance and save money from today.